Last week seems like a busy week for me....
I finished my final test on last Tuesday...and yeah..I'm having my sem break now...ngekXD
well..what else i busy on somemore?
my part time job!..
my very first freelance job was PC fair 2010 on 16th under KINGSTON company...
and PC fair 2011,15th April...
I'm work under KINGSTON company again....haha...
how loyalty am I?...
anyways,It's have alot of fun while working with them...I do really enjoyed!^^
Something I would like to share here..
the three day working at PC fair I sat opposite the fountain after my work..
I saw many fun and cute couple passed by in front of me...
It's such a view that I feel like er..most natural?..everyone doing their stuff without any pretending?..
some couple are really look so match..but some aren't...anyways,SO what?!at least they are loving each other right?
pretty gal ain't should couple with handsome boy..
It's not a MUST..
please ignore your selfish minded..and those perfect fantasy..
Life can be so simple when you trying to live your life without any pretending!Enjoy it to the fullest as you can!
and so I'm trying hard right now~><''
LOOK~my darling!XD
15th April,my darling birthday..and we celebrated at mist club..
before i talk about that night..I would like to say,Darling,happy Birthday ya^^
well,I went to club after my work with a tiring body!and it's made me feel so weird because I needa wake up early in da morning on the next day!I got no choice, how dare that I absent for my darling's bday party?!XD
btw,It's really tired and unwilling to wake up even the alarm already snoozed for dunno how many times..So,it end up with made me late to work..for about 30 minutes..><''..used to it?I guess so...Frankly,I ain't a punctual gal!XD
That night was like such an impossible night to my B gang!cause I gave them a bery big surprise!><''
~I can be tough..I can be strong..But with you It's not like that at all..~
nice lyrics!I like it!...cause so one can beat me down..i means that such a long time I didn't crying for someone!haha...actually It's a good thing right?I have no idea..=.=
sometimes I did like the feel when my tears drop from my I crazy?
perhaps that I too long never cry?I nearly forget what the hell feeling when I am crying!LOL~